How are you soaking up this summer?
Every year I hear myself, and friends, saying “this summer is flying by!”. Well this year, as it’s the 18th summer with my twins, I’m choosing to focus on the present moment more than ever. Like it’s my daily intention.
Is it working? I think so… I certainly haven’t mastered it. Still get caught up in ‘the future’, and when I do notice it I consciously work to reroute back to the now. Asking myself, how can I savour this day a little more? Working to stretch time.
I also read something the other day about how to make your life feel more ‘enchanted’, and I’m here for it! Like instead of going to the pharmacy, I’m going to the apothecary to acquire some potions. Yes, it was kind of a fun little meme, however for me the deeper message was a reminder about how you shape your life experience, every day with every thought. You truly create your reality!
Is there on thing you can shift the way you think about it to make your day feel different?
Let me know if you try it, and how it feels!
And as I work on being more present to the here and now, I can’t help but feel excitement for the fall (my absolute favourite time of year) and the new things I’m cooking up. This October, I’ll be launching some new offerings and sharing it first with an exclusive group who sign up for the waitlist.
I love you all so much, now let’s create some Magick!
With love and gratitude,