Although we are currently in the ‘Season of the Witch’, and we may be connecting to our Inner Witch more than usual right now, if you’re enjoying it, I want you to feel like this all year long.
I mean, to quote Dianne Wiest in Practical Magic – “We all have a little Witch in us.” 🧹
Understanding how ‘witchy’ we actually are, or would like to be, is a very personal journey.
It will feel different for everyone.
I’m here to support that journey, and help dispel any inaccurate mythos surrounding the term ‘Witch’.
Which, let’s be honest, has gotten a pretty bad rap.
I’m sure this term can bring up a lot of questions…
So let me ask you – what would you like to know about being or becoming a Witch?
(for those who are new here, I recently came out of the broom closet🧹)
I would love to answer any questions you might have, and share some insight in these newsletters around things you might be pondering.
Please, ask away! (just hit reply)
One tidbit I’ll share is that a Witch follows the Wheel of the Year.
This is a Celtic pagan calendar for the year which celebrates our connection with nature through 8 festivals.
There are four great Sabbats which are celebrated between each Solstice and Equinox – they are Samhain (November), Imbolc (February), Beltane (May), and Lughnasad (August).
And then the Solstices are Litha (Summer) and Yule (Winter), and Equinoxes being Ostara (Spring) and Mabon (Fall).
We will be celebrating Samhain (a little early) at our SOLD OUT Full Moon Healing Circle tonight!
You can get on the list for our next one November 27th HERE.
And remember we’ve got online New Moon Manifesting Circles starting November 13th – you can sign up HERE.
I’m currently in the process of creating the trainings for BECOMING WITCH™!
If you’d like to be the first to learn more, get on the WAITLIST.
I’m overjoyed to be expanding my business to incorporate all of this – I can’t tell you how much it fills my heart. 💕
Wishing you a Blessed Samhain!