As much as I enjoy summer, my heart sings in the Fall!
I can’t get enough of the crisp air and the feeling of expanded gratitude.
I’m excited to share that there are some changes coming to BECOMING STILL this Autumn. Including new class times, more availability in my appointment schedule, a new website coming soon, some updated pricing, and new offerings.
To say the past 18 months have been tough is an understatement.
Of course, with varying degrees of difficulty, we’ve been operating in SURVIVAL MODE, whether consciously or not, and it’s really affected our NERVOUS SYSTEMS.
Leaving many of us feeling on edge, not sleeping well, experiencing new emotions, needing change.
Here are a couple simple strategies to reset in the moment.
A quick way to press pause during the day is taking a few Deep, Conscious Breaths with our eyes closed.
Try it now.
Place your feet on the floor, sit up straight, place your hands in your lap, close your eyes, and breath in deeply for a count of 4, hold your breath for 4, exhale for 4, and pause at empty for 4. Repeat a few times.
Welcome back, notice how you feel.
Another short restorative break is Legs up the Wall Yoga Pose, try 5 min here.
Many of my offerings involve slowing the brain down, becoming present in the moment, and calming the nervous system. If you’d like to chat options, book a Discovery Call!
If you are craving some regular restorative downtime, this might be just what you’re looking for…
Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation, with a LIVE Sound Bath, infused with Healing Reiki Energy.
New date and time for Virtual Yoga Nidra – alternating Thursdays 7:15 pm – 8 pm.
Sound good?
I’m here to support you in your healing, when the time is right.
With so much love and deep gratitude,