May I ask, do you love yourself?
When I say that, what comes up? Is it easy to answer, or do you need to pause and think?
Maybe a better question would be, do you love all the parts of yourself?
We are made up of many parts, our Ego, our Inner Child, our Shadow to name a few.
Parts of us that don’t feel loved and accepted are often the parts that act out.
Acknowledging this is the first step towards healing.
As February is classically referred to as the month of LOVE, we see ‘partner love’ take the spotlight.
I propose we embrace it as a month of SELF LOVE, and it’s time for RADICAL self love!
You can only truly GIVE your best when you are AT your best.
What are some ways that you currently honour, evolve, take time for, prioritize yourself?
If things come to mind quickly, please celebrate that!
If it’s a bit of a struggle for you, the good news is that it’s in your power to change it.
Know that if you want to talk about how, I’m here for you. ♥
Self love hasn’t always been that easy for me.
It’s forced me to face the uncomfortable and awkward bits that I was happy ignoring. The thing is, ignoring it kept me stagnant and not experiencing as much joy in life as I’d like.
Last year was a big one for me on my healing journey.
I really doubled down on my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth. It was a lot of work, and I’m loving myself more than I ever have.
I’ve recently committed to my continuing evolution by joining a 3 month Mystery School. It’s stretching me as I learn and grow more, and I’m excited about stepping more fully into my purpose and power.
And the timing feels so aligned as it will end as Spring officially begins.
Even now the days are starting to feel lighter, we moved through Imbolc a week ago, the mid-point between Winter Solstice and Spring Solstice. The earth’s focus (in the northern hemisphere) is shifting towards light, re-birth, and newness – can you feel it?
I’m just appreciating the sun whenever it shines and listening to the birds sing. I even saw a robin this week! Signs of what’s to come…
With love and deep gratitude,