inspiration. insight. musings.
Follow along as I share my path through healing, learning, and loving.
As The Veil Thins
How connected do you feel to the cyclical rhythm of the earth and the elements of nature? Do you mourn the seasons changing, or embrace it?
A Time For Shedding
As the summer's end nears we enter a time of year for shifting the gaze inward and recognizing what we're ready to let go of.
Letting August Be August
How are you feeling as we move through the latter half of summer, and start to feel the subtle shifts promising a new season ahead?
Soaking Up Summer
How are you soaking up this summer? Every year I hear myself, and friends, saying "this summer is flying by!".
Turning Up The Heat
Are you feeling the ABUNDANCE? The fullness of the Moon, the Sun (Summer Solstice), the Earth in bloom, and of course the HEAT!
Time to Uplevel
Did you know that today is the LUCKIEST FULL MOON of the year? The energy is auspicious and abundant.
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