I’m definitely feeling mama earth right now. Slow, quiet, letting go, alchemizing.

Are you feeling it too? In what way? Let me know, I’d love to hear!

Listening deeply to the cues from my inner guidance and allowing it to direct me. Autumn is all about slowing down and going inwards so that we can hear the messages from our soul – what needs to be shed, what is ready to be released. It’s a yearly practice as we flow with the Wheel of the Year.

As the external world begins to ramp up for the ever so busy holiday season, our inner world craves rest and quiet. It’s interesting how capitalist conditioning urges us into a state which is counter intuitive to what this time of year calls for. I find myself sinking into stillness and quiet even more to balance out the energy required for some socializing.

Don’t get me wrong, I love this festive time, I just need to work harder to keep inner harmony, and be discerning about how I spend my energy. Do you feel the same or find yourself at the tail end of the holidays drained and exhausted?

I find myself spending more time in nature for grounding, and when I can, of course hugging trees! Who else loves to hug tress?

I’ve been doing it pretty much my whole life, and spent some solid time doing it this week. I actually have a huge oak in my backyard that I commune with regularly. I love to hug trees all the time, and there’s also something just a little different this time of year. I feel like they help aid in the releasing process, since they’re going through it themselves. It’s extra comforting.

And as I move through the liberation process, I feel myself coming to another shift in the way I work with women. I’ll share more next week as things shake out…  I’m also eager for the Astrology that lies ahead (read about it below in Jen’s update).

For now, I hope you get to hug some trees this weekend!
From my heart to yours,
xo 💕