Our first Full Moon Healing Circle was truly magical. ✨
We had laughter, we had tears.
It was women connecting through sacred Ritual, opening their hearts, and healing. 💗
I know that for some, sharing with other women can feel scary.
I know that speaking your truth into a circle can sometimes be scary.
This will be a safe space of trust and non judgement.
If you’re ready to reclaim your voice and feel the support that comes in Sisterhood, join us in Ceremony.
Our next Circle will take place on Thursday June 1st, from 7 – 9 pm.
We’ll come together at The Healing Collective, 2005 Danforth Ave. (at Woodbine).
The investment for a DROP IN is $47, and we now have 3 pack passes available too!
You’ll receive an email with further details to prepare once registered.
Reserve your spot and register HERE.
** Dates have been set for all remaining Circles in 2023 – view them on the WEBSITE.
If you have questions about the Circle, simply hit reply and ask!
Look forward to being in ceremony with you in soon.
With love and deep gratitude,