Let’s talk ENERGY!

Everything is energy.

We know from Quantum Physics that everything vibrates (mostly undetectable to the naked eye) and holds frequency.

Instinctually, we feel and use it as a guidance system, although at times we may not understand it.

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies” – Albert Einstein 

Energy can be referred to as vibes, resonance, currency and more.

It allows for more abundance in everything, for example…
Good vibes = abundantly positive mindset.
Strong resonance = abundant flow and vitality.
Healthy currency = financial abundance.

I get a lot of great questions about energy, and what an energy healing session looks like.

Working with energy is a beautiful path to heal, in a variety of ways.
Clearing, opening, amplifying, connecting.

The great thing about energy healing is that it happens without any effort on your part.
You don’t need to do a thing, just lie down and relax (whether at home or in my studio) – it’s deeply restorative.
You can literally drift off to sleep.

I am a channel for energy to move through, and work with reiki, light language, placing crystals through your chakras, essential oils, qigong, sound healing, smudging, cord cutting, and breath.

The results and benefits can be anywhere between subtle and quite noticeable, each session feels different, and I share insights and observances that come through at the end.

During the session you may experience sensations, see visions, colours, or nothing at all – know that however you experience it is exactly right.

How’s your energy been feeling lately?  

Something else I’m excited about is that starting tomorrow I’ll be taking a year and a day long journey to become a Priestess of the Rose. (you know I love to learn)

What does that mean?

Well, as I’ve shared, I also feel called to support women as they deepen their Feminine Connection, both Shadow and Divine. And bringing women together, whether in circles or at retreats to heal.

This embodied training I’m undertaking will continue my own work through this, so that I may offer greater guidance and pass on wisdom from my teachers.

I can’t wait to bring this into my service with you!

With love and deep gratitude,

p.s. If you feel like your energy could use a tune up, let’s get your session BOOKED!

And let me know how you’re doing, just hit reply and share. I love hearing from you!