How are you feeling?

Grateful, melancholy, introspective, reflective, excited?

So many emotions are stirred this time of year, especially in the anti-climax of it all. Not to mention that we’re kind of in a timeless portal at the moment, which can be super liberating, and also unsettling.

One way to anchor in and ground ourselves is through a practice of review and intention setting. First, look back over the past 12 months with awareness – both honouring the lessons, and celebrating the wins. Who were you a year ago, and who are you now?

Then with heart centered intention, ask yourself: What do I want out of the next year, and who would I like to be a year from now? What does the next version of ME look like?

You are a dynamic and successful woman, and the truth is, if you’ve been circling the same thing for a while and feel stuck, or know something needs to change, but not sure what – support is required.

This is the last opportunity to work with me in a 1:1 high touch, magical, transformational 6 month coaching container at this price. At midnight on the 31st, not only does the ball drop, but my prices go up. I have ONE SPOT still open – is it yours?

If this lights you up and you’re feeling a YES in your body, let’s talk soon! SEND ME A MESSAGE and we’ll connect.

I can’t wait to see who is meant to take this spot!

Tomorrow is a Black Moon, a term used for the second New Moon in one month. This New Moon holds powerful cosmic energy and sits on the doorstep of the threshold to 2025. Although for witches, this isn’t our true New Year, there’s an energetic shift that happens when we move into different numerology with the Gregorian Calendar.

We’ll be talking about this and using this energy for our spell work in our Mystical Mavens New Moon Virtual Circle tomorrow (you can still JOIN US HERE).

Blessings for the most loving and abundant annual solar return!

With love and boundless magick,
xo 💕