Can you feel it?
As we near the end of the first month of 2024, a year which holds the energy of abundance, how are you feeling?
Things are starting to feel potent.
Today we have our first Full Moon, last weekend brought a pivotal planetary shift (more details below for both), and next Friday, February 1st, is Imbolc (in the Northern Hemisphere).
Imbolc, in the Wheel of the Year, is one of the 8 Pagan Sabbats and marks the very beginning of Spring. It’s the time of year when we can feel the light returning, the first signs of life start to show with Snow Drops, and WE begin to re-emerge.
Just like nature is beginning to awaken after its dormant period, we are also reawakening with new dreams & exciting new plans. This is a time of leaving what is safe & comfortable in order to grow more fully into yourself.
These last couple months you’ve been dreaming up new visions, plans & ideas for your life in the year ahead. These dreams are hopeful & exciting, and they’ve lit the fires of creativity & inspiration within you.
Something to embrace and hold in our hearts as we move forward.
As a heads up, I’ll be away for the first week of February transplanted somewhere in the picture above, and the rest of the month is booking up quickly if you need a session.
If you’re aware of the magick that is Sedona, you’ll know what I mean when I say I’m heading to the Vortex!
I am so excited to be landing there in creation mode.
Not only for our new Collective container called the Mystical Mastermind (launching on Ostara/Spring Equinox), but other witchy programs and courses coming this year!
If you’d like to be the first to know all the details and get on the VIP early bird access list, email us!
These Circles are a powerful, concise way to be in ceremony and ritual with other sisters and claim what you want for the month ahead!
Our next online New Moon Manifesting Circle is on February 9th – you can sign up HERE.
It’s been exciting to witness so many intentions coming to fruition so quickly. Join us and feel the magick!
claim my spot for the New Moon Circle
Our next Full Moon Healing Circle will be in Virgo and on February 22nd.
There is something so sacred about the connection that forms once the Circle is cast. And in it, we can feel held to share and be open.
Join us as we gather under the Snow Moon. Register HERE.
We have just begun a potent year!
Some things to ponder…
What are you feeling called to shed, release, let die?
How can you step more fully into your truth, your soul’s potential, into YOU?
With so much love and gratitude,