As the year nears to a close, and we see a new one on the horizon, I’m reminded of this saying as I start to plan for 2022.
I share this so you may also consider how you wish to welcome in the New Year.
Some questions to ponder:
What does this next chapter hold for me?
Who do I want to be next year?
How do I want to show up with others, for myself?
What work is required to achieve this?
And how will I put this into action?
If you know the answers, amazing! Set an intention, and create a plan. If you could use some assistance implementing the plan, I’m here to help!
Change begins with you. Nothing changes if you don’t.
If you know it’s time for growth and evolution, and would like guidance on the path to get there, please reach out, I’d love to support you.
I’m taking on 5 new Intuitive Coaching clients in January. If you’d like to be one of them, let’s talk.
This time of year can start to feel pretty FULL.
Does it feel overwhelming for you?
If so, I’ve got you.
Aside from taking Child’s Pose (above) anytime you need it…
I love to start by addressing the nervous system, as our vagus nerve sends messages to our brain telling us how to feel. We can actually calm our body down from a stressed moment with this simple practice below.
Here are some VAGAL NUTURING exercises for holiday stress (and beyond):
1. Focus on your breath, don’t change it, just be aware of it.
2. Take 5 – 10 breaths for each of the following.
3. Press the heel of your hands into your eyes and hold.
4. Place hands over your ears.
5. Pull ears up, out to the side, and then down (do 5-10 times).
6. Place your hands over your heart.
7. Place one hand on your heart, one on your belly (feel your breath moving in and out).
8. Hands on opposite shoulders and rub up and down your arms (do 5-10 times).
Stay connected to your breath the whole time if you can, each inhale, each exhale.
Now, how do you feel?
Wishing you a peaceful holiday season + health, love, and abundance for 2022!
With so much love and deep gratitude,
Are you looking for a GIFT OF CALM + INTENTION?
Or would you like someone to gift one to you?
Gift Cards are available for Energy Healing, Intuitive Coaching, Meditation, Sound, and Yoga offerings.
Reach out directly to purchase.